xr2206 function generator

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

The XR2206 Function Generator>(Sine-Triangle-Square Waveform Generator). The frequency range is 1HZ to 1MHz. and can be adjusted by VR3. SEE circuit XR2206 Function Generator. OUTPUT Volt adjusted by VR2. To built SEE PCB XR2206 Function Generator. -Formerly, you will find the signal generator is called The Function Generator  for use one machine.

xr2206 function generator
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Also would have to pay not less, called the is a very big deal. It is interested or not -But now you can make it yourself easily, with a little investment. Try do like the features of this project. The heart in working of this circuit is the IC XR-2206. 1. Voltage control oscillator (VCO) that has the frequency out to, depending on the value of the capacitor between pin 5-6 and the resistor between the pin 7-8. The square wave signal will has signal strength is about 12 volt peak to peak, So if you want to use TTL circuits using voltage 5 volt. Also must add dc converter circuit with IC-SN74LS00. All equipment except the power transformer 12volt, can be assembled onto the print, as shown below. You should solder correctly and successfully. After a successful check. Sure that the power supply to the circuit. And adjust the circuit.

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