8 Channel software controlled for PC fan

Posted on Aug 17, 2012

This article is about a software controlled, parallel port-interfacing 8-channel Pulse-Width-Modulated fan controller. I'll admit that the electronic part of it isn't very advanced, but hopefully the idea of `interfacing` might be interesting. My old partner and I were working on an improved version, using an ULN2803A instead of the many BC547B's and optional zener diodes to make sure the fans always got power from power-on, but he lost interest and so we never finished it.

8 Channel software controlled for PC fan
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

I did improve the software on my own, though: - improved fan control routines/speeds - command line parameters to adjust the power level during runtime - "KITT(Knight Rider)" running light functionality to the outputs, which looks pretty cool with 8 LED's attached - and an output be set to turn on at a certain time now - for alarm clocks, a coffee machine or something ? A Polish guy had asked me for the command-line functionality, and after getting it to work I let him play with the new program, and he hasn't reported any bugs. I haven't personally thoroughly tested it, though - but it has worked perfectly in my short-time tests.

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