Sca background music decoder

Posted on Jun 8, 2012

A resistive voltage divider is used to establish a bias voltage for the input (pins 2 and 3). The demodulated (multiplex) FM signal is fed to the input through a two-stage high-pass filter, both to effect capacitive coupling and to attenuate the strong signal of the regular channel. A total signal amplitude, between 80 mV and 300 mV, is required at the input. Its source should have an impedance of less than 10,000 ohms

Sca background music decoder
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The Phase Locked Loop is tuned to 67 kHz with a 5000 ohm potentiometer; only approximate tuning is required, since the loop will seek the signal. The demodulated output (pin 7) passes through a three-stage low-pass filter to provide de-emphasis and attenuate the high-frequency noise which often accompanies SCA transmission. The demodulated output signal is in the rder of 50m V and the frequency response extends to 7 kHz.

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