5x7 LED display schematic

Posted on Dec 31, 2012

Your 5x7 display is my favourite toy; the tunes and graphics in the elevator display always impress my mates! Since building the display I developed my own 400 dot matrix using a pic and the SN74154 [4bit binary to 1 of 16 demultiplexer\counter] - in place of the 4017. It works well but I still have to hook it up to my computer to change the scrolling message. When I get time I will write another program that will make it easier to program the message board via an I.R. remote.

5x7 LED display schematic
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

You are about to take part in one of the best microcomputer (microprocessor) projects you have seen. It uses a PIC16F84 micro and you will be shown how to program the chip to create quite amazing effects. It's a simple project and you will be starting at the beginning of programming, so don't worry if you have never worked with a microprocessor before. Then we come to the experiments. They start with a simple routine to illuminate a single LED and progress to flashing a LED, running a set of LEDs up and down the screen, and then a variety of animations. The things you can do are almost unbelievable. And it's all covered in the course. The approach we have taken is completely different to anything you have seen before. The author has seen some of the other microcontroller projects and he has been totally confused with their content and approach. They were really impossible to understand. You needed to be an expert to start the first lesson! That's why he felt compelled to create a project that teaches in a completely different way. Once you complete this course you will be able to look at the other projects and work out what they are trying to present. I'm saying this because if you have seen the other projects and given up in frustration, the worry is over. You can be assured, the animations you see on the screen in the "Screen Effects" page, are fully documented and you will be able to create similar (and...

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