Digital display temperature detection circuit

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

Digital display temperature detection circuit Precision digital display shows the temperature detection control circuit, MC1403 pin output reference voltage, the potentiometer

Digital display temperature detection circuit
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RP5 setting the reference value to IC4 inverting terminal (a). Thermistor (temperature sensor) PT100 added ICI negative feedback loop, the temperature on the heat -sensitive resistance value will also change, so the amount of negative feedback IC1 changes, ICI gain change with, lC] output formed by IC3 comparison voltage is applied to the noninverting input of IC4, output RP5 compare. Compare voltage increases so that VT conduction, relay control heating and other equipment running. At the same time the temperature represents the voltage value supplied to A/D converter L7107, the analog signal into a digital signal, via the monitor through the digital temperature value is displayed,

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