
Posted on Nov 14, 2012

· This circuit is used for analog signal selection or time division multiplexing. As shown, the feedback signal places the selected amplifier channel in a voltage follower (noninverting unity gain) configuration, and provides very high input impedance and low output impedance. The single package replaces four input buffer amplifiers, four analog switches with decoding, and one output buffer amplifier. For low-level input signals, gain can be added to one or more channels by connecting the (-) inputs to a voltage divider between output and ground.

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The bandwidth is approximately 8 MHz, and the output will slew from one level to another at about 15.0 V per p.s. Expansion to multiplex 5 to J2 channels can be accomplished by connecting the compensation pins of two or three devices together, and using the output of only one of the devices. The enable input on the unseiected devices must be low. Expansion to 16 or more channels is accomplished easily by connecting outputs of four 4-channel multiplexers to the inputs of another 4-channel multiplexer. Differential signals can be handled by two identical multiplexers addressed in paralleL Inverting amplifier configurations can also be used, but the feedback resistors might cause crosstalk from the output to unselected inputs.

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