Fill light indoor photography circuit

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

Engaged in indoor portrait photography comrades know, single camera alone - Hong ye states pictures are often missing lack layering. In order to obtain better shooting results,

Fill light indoor photography circuit
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usually in all directions of the subject is then arranged several dishes auxiliary lighting aid, FIG. 299 is a simple indoor photography fill light circuit, which uses the optical drive H to throw the camera flash light a bright, it issued a flash sync, fill light for the portrait subject. 220V AC by VD, ferry rectified, all the way through R. To c; Kang electricity, available at both ends of the bar about suppliers about 300V DC voltage, and then dividing by R, R, for electric abandoned r. Storage around about 200V DC high voltage. Another way seam R. Limiting, steady vs and l {such as filtering, input i about 12V DC voltage for light control circuit electrically. Usually indoor low light, the light -sensitive transistor VTP copy is off, (1 left is low, VT1 off, thyristor VT2 also glanced off E small flash light. Photography, when the camera main flash fires, VTP net by strong light strikes the exit, make R, I end appears a positive transition. Since the capacitance c. voltage across the mutation can not make rapid VT1 conduction, 12V DC voltage through VT1, R. thyristor VTZ added wrestling and pole system between the cathode so that VT2 trigger open. (electrical store operators on the primary winding of the pulse transformer T L. Chuan pressure discharge by VT2, by L. liter pressure after the glow of the lamp E to send ffj dazzling light, is completed a camera like Pak light due to light propagation with the current transmission speed mechanical quick flash of the camera main flash trillion LJ almost no difference when Hong lamp light, can be considered synchronized performed after the flash, VTP, VTl, VT2 recovered oFF-state, G by R. mushroom new charging energy storage, can prepare for the next flash. VTP recoverable collapse 3DU33 type, etc. phototransistor, VT2 as MCR] 008 small plastic one-way thyristor tube .E a camera dedicated flash tube, when it is configured to use the deer resistance corresponding mirror reflector. c, (CRR using a poly a capacitor alkenyl, c requires pressure 4.ov, c:. 2jV ordinary pressure of electrolytic capacitors, G require the use of pressure-resistant high-voltage capacitor .R 450V, requiring the use of RJ-2W metal film resistors, resistor rest are 1, 8w ordinary carbon resistance pulse transformer T requires discipline: the use of a thickness 0 35mm Tridacna steel stack system, stem cross-sectional area of 5mmX Smm.L. lead with {5mm high-strength wire around 16 degrees Bo ester a;. j. +0 08mm with high strength polyester enameled wire around the outside in L. 1450 turns. L. layer between the government and the z-plus Chu insulating paper, and finally dip varnish drying stand. the key is to make this circuit installation location phototransistor VTP, requiring as it is not formulated in a deep deep hood (can be a truncated subparagraph classified material about 25mm black pen rod, which was set in vrP outer surface) to avoid the influence of natural light it, I want to feel righteous when Secretary Qi white camera flash emitted color glow, circuit r somewhat reliable to work properly.

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