Low-Battery Detector

Posted on Dec 22, 2012

The battery low-voltage detector uses a CD4093 Schmitt trigger and a capacitor that acts as a 1-bit dynamic RAM. The c

Low-Battery Detector
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ircuit conserves power by using a periodic test method. IC1A, CI, Rl, R2, and D1 generate a narrow, positive pulse at point A. D2, R4, and R5 regulate and divide the signal at A. Thus, the input of IC1B is independent of the power supply. Because the threshold voltage of the Schmitt trigger depends on the power supply, the threshold voltage will drop if the power-supply voltage drops. When the threshold voltage is lower than the input voltage, IC1B will become low, and IClC"s output will become high. Capacitor C2 stores the results of the periodic test. The time constant C2 and R6 set is 1 s, and the test period is approximately 0.1 s. When point is high, which implies that the battery is low, IC1D, C3, and R7 generate a square waveform, which lights D3. You can adjust the detected voltage level by adjusting R4. You can test different battery voltages by changing the voltage level of D2.

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