Digital Clock Timer schematic

Posted on Oct 5, 2012

This clock timer uses a PIC16F628 microcontroller to display 3 and 1/2 digit time and control an external load. The clock includes a calendar with leap year and optional daylight savings adjustments. The timer output can be set from 1 to 59 minutes and manually switched on and off. The clock also has a correction feature that allows an additional second to be added every so many hours to compensate for a slightly slow running oscillator. The oscillator uses a common 32.768 KHz watch crystal and the frequency can be adjusted slightly with the 24pF capacitor on the right side of the crystal.

Digital Clock Timer schematic
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

There is a bug in this program that prevents the alarm from working if the minutes are set to zero. So, an alarm setting of 8:59 or 6:01 will work but 6:00 will not. The bug can be fixed by adding a program line to call the alarm routine after the hours are incremented. Current listing in the interrupt section is: call Alarm movlw d'60' xorwf MINUTES,0 btfss STATUS,2 ; Check for 60 minutes goto Done ; Jump out if not 60 clrf MINUTES incf HOURS,f New listing should be: call Alarm movlw d'60' xorwf MINUTES,0 btfss STATUS,2 ; Check for 60 minutes goto Done ; Jump out if not 60 clrf MINUTES incf HOURS,f call Alarm ; New line added here On bootup, the display should read 2:56 AM and other data can be displayed by toggling the advance switch (D). Each time the (D) switch is closed and opened, the display will advance to the next data. The order of displayed data and bootup values is as follows: Time --------------------------------------------- (2:56) Alarm --------------------------------------------- (6:30) Calendar --------------------------------------------- (3:07) Weekday...

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