1300 Mhz Frequency meter with prescaler

Posted on Oct 3, 2012

Having found an u664b prescaler chip (Telefunken) from an old tv-tuner , I decided to build a valid frequency counter using pic16f84 , the prescaler I use is able to divide by 64 every frequency from 30 to 1300 MHZ. The original project is from Peter Halicky but as he used a sab6456 prescaler (divider by 256)

1300 Mhz Frequency meter with prescaler
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

I had to change the code to adjust the gating time to my different divider factor ( 64) and also to my 4.8 MHZ xtal (he use 10 MHz xtal). However the U664b is perfectly compatible to SAB6456 so you can substitute it pin to pin. The measuring is divided in

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