Distortion Analyser

Posted on Oct 9, 2012

Total harmonic distortion (THD) measurements are one of the most commonly quoted in audio. Contrary to belief in some circles, these can be very useful if performed properly, and reveal much about the overall performance of an amplifier. There are a number of ways to measure distortion, none of which is perfect. Probably the best is a spectrum analyser, which shows the individual harmonics and their amplitudes. These are too expensive for the likes of you and me (well, me, anyway) and the next best thing is featured here.

Distortion Analyser
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The standard tool for measuring THD is a notch filter. This is tuned to reject the fundamental frequency, and any signal that gets through is a combination of the amplifier`s noise (including any hum) and the distortion. The distortion shows up as a

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