EM Field Probe with Meter

Posted on May 21, 2012

This tester is designed to locate stray electromagnetic (EM) fields. It will easily detect both audio and RF signals up to frequencies of around 100kHz. Note, however that this circuit is NOT a metal detector, but will detect metal wiring if it conducting ac current. Frequency response is from 50Hz to about 100kHz gain being rolled off by the 150p capacitor, the gain of the op-amp and input capacitance of the probe cable. Stereo headphones may be used to monitor audio frequencies at the socket, SK1.

EM Field Probe with Meter
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Meter Circuit: The output signal from the op-amp is an ac voltage at the frequency of the electro-magnetic field. This voltage is further amplified by the BC109C transistor, before being full wave rectified and fed to the meter circuit. The meter is a sm

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