Meters Circuits
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Although it does not have the same charm as real mercury barometers with long glass tubes on pieces of carved and polished wood, the Torricelli barometer....
The National Semiconductor LMV225 is a linear RF power meter IC in an SMD package. It can be used over the frequency range of 450 MHz to 2000 MHz and requ....
In contrast to an ordinary voltmeter, the input of an oscilloscope generally has one side (GND) connected to ground via the mains lead. In certain situati....
Many passive field strength meters have appeared in the past, typically using a 50mA analog meter movement if reasonable sensitivity was to be obtained. T....
This project will indicate the volume level of the audio going to your speakers by lighting up LEDS. The LEDS can be any color so mix them up and really make it look good. The input of the circuit is connected to the speaker output of your audio amplifier.....
DHT11 is the most inexpensive sensor currently available in the market that provides calibrated digital outputs for temperature and relative humidity. It is availab....
Well this is a Very Accurate LC Meter based on PIC 16F628A. Having inspired from surprisingly accurate LC Meter. This is my attempt to build an accurate L/C meter. This design is little different from other designs found on the internet. The goal of my hard....
The V.U. meter that works with the integrated amplifier circuit.The signal will sound, the audio amplifier circuit into VU meter circuit.And will show the level....
A VU Meter is used to display the power level of the audio, it also is beautiful. When you go to the electronic equipment store to buy the VU meter kit, with the assembly various parts on their own or the style ready to use. Most of us are using the....
The Multi function frequency meter is an instrument that can measurement many things in a single display with LED 7 segment 8 digit. The controls measures....
Expensive stereo is general often have VU meter come to and for help show max power the stereo not too much. For radio tape general plaything has will no VU Meter. I then think to seek Multi meter use can replace. By use Range 100uA and electronics equipment....
This cheap frequency meter circuit that we show to you. Suitable for general use in small laboratories. Because cheap, easy to build. And Qualified enough. For applications most of the electronics amateur. It can be shown that the frequency read directly....
This circuit can be used to measure the voltage to 15 volts.Using the current from the battery 9 volt,At 23 mA only. Input circuit has a diode, to protect the....
Here is a simple Tachometer schematic. The basis of the frequency converter circuit-current, which converts the input signal into a proportional current measured pointer device. ..
Here is a simple technique for measuring frequencies over quite a wide frequency range and with acceptable accuracy limits using a PC. It follows the basic technique of measuring low frequencies, i. e. at low frequency, period is measured for a complete wave....
In this circuit, a simple calculator, in conjunction with a COB (chip-on-board) from an analogue quartz clock, is used to make a telephone call meter. The calculator enables conversion of STD/ISD calls to local call equivalents and always displays current....
A high-input-resistance op-amp, a bridge rectifier, a microammeter, and a few other discrete components are all that are required to realise this versatile circuit. This circuit can be used for measurement of dc, ac rms, ac peak, or ac peak-to-peak voltage....
Take a good capacitor, around 100 or 1000 microfarads, and connect a small resistor, 10 or 5 ohms, in series with it. Connect to the meter and adjust that pot until the meter reads the resistance of that resistor. Repeat with other capacitors and resistors....
using the LM3915 monolithic integrated circuit can be designed a very simple audio power level meter that senses analog voltage levels and drives ten LEDs, LCDs or vacuum fluorescent displays, providing a logarithmic 3 dB/step analog display. One pin of the....
The ICL7106 Integrated circuit contain all the active circuitry for a 3 1/2 digit panel meter (DPM) in a single chip. It was designed to interface directly to a liquid crystal display (LCD). The potential difference across a silicon diode is dependent on its....
A simple thermometer built with operational amplifiers and a normal or protective diode such as 1N4148, instead of the temperature sensor can be made using electronic diagram below. A constant reference voltage is applied to the noninverting input of....
Capacitance Meter Circuit Using 555 It directly reads capacitance in the range 100pF to 10µF. IC1 and IC2 operate as an astable (with frequency....
The microampere meter The microampere meter gives full scale deflection for 0.1 V input. The current to be measured is passed through a known....
Sensitive RF Voltmeter Probe Circuit This Circuit measures RF voltages beyond 200MHz and up to about 5V. PARTS....
This project describes how to make a digital voltmeter using a PIC microcontroller. A HD44780 based character LCD is used to display the measured voltage. The PIC microcontroller used in this project is PIC16F688 that has 12 I/O pins out of which 8 can serve....
It started out as a simple unenclosed variac (variable autotransformer) and electrical outlet mounted on a block of wood. I eventually put it in the case of what used to be an old audio signal generator for safety and appearance. Among the other added....
An alternating display for my version 1 nixie clock led me to think of new logic designs for switching signals to the display. I took the design of my version 1 nixie clock, tossed out the 4013 flip flop and two 4017 counters, and redesigned the hours....