Advanced LCD Graphic thermometer

Posted on Feb 15, 2013

A unified thermometric controller that can be programmed with simple scripts, integrating the `classic` thermometer/controller pair. You can build a variety of simple machines with the same hardware and a different script : a charting thermometer, a vending machine that dials your number when empty, a leavening cell. thermometer with 1°F (0.5C) resolution. four switch inputs, four relay outputs. only an handful of cheap parts. graphic LCD display.

Advanced LCD Graphic thermometer
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

script interpreter built-in, can run ASCII programs (basic-like). 6KB non volatile script memory. full screen editor built-in. modular C source code (need a graphic LCD driver?). Two applications provided: CHARTING THERMOMETER or SMS PHONE-MAIL ENPOWERED VENDING MACHINE.

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