Function generator

Posted on Dec 10, 2012

The circuit has both square-wave and triangle-wave output. The left section is similar in function to a comparator circuit that uses positive feedback for hysteresis. The inverting input is biased at one-half the Vcc voltage by resistors R4 and R5. The output is fed back to the non-inverting input of the first stage to control the frequency. The amplitude of the square wave is the output swing of the first stage, which is 8 V peak-to-peak. The second stage is basically an op amp integrator.

Function generator
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The resistor R3 is the input element and capacitor Cl is the feedback element. The ratio R1/R2 sets the amplitude of the triangle wave, as referenced to the square-wave output. For both waveforms, the frequency of oscillation can be determined by the equation:

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