Colpitts Oscillator Circuits
L1C1 are selected to be resonant at a frequency below the desired crystal harmonic but above the crystal"s next lower odd harmonic. C2 should have a value of 30-70 pF, independent of the oscillation frequency. There is no requirement for any specific ratio....
A tapped-coil Colpitis oscillator is used at Ql to provide four tuning ranges from 1.7 to 3.131Hz, 3.0 to 5.6 MHz, 5.0 to 12 MHz and 11.5 to 31 MHz. A Zener diode (D2) is used at Ql to lower the operating voltage of the oscillator. A small value capacitor is....
The circuit uses two CMOS IC’s
IC1 uses inverters connected as a Colpitts oscillator of 100KHz; the LC frequency determining elements being the search coil and parallel resonating capacitor.
An 80 turn close wound 30swg 100mm diameter coil will fit inside....
This is an image Schematic. No Description available...
Modern set-top DBS TV tuners require high performance, broadband voltage control oscillator (VCO) designs at a competitive cost.To meet these goals, design engineers are challenged to create high performance, low-cost VCOs...
Simplified circuit diagram of the two-stage Colpitts
oscillator. In comparison with the classical single-transistor
Colpitts oscillator [1,2,5] the two-stage modification
includes an extra transistor Q2 and an extra capacitor C3.
We note that both....
Its frequency depends on the capacitance of the vary cap diode. The center frequency is changed by varying the biasing voltage of the vary cap through the 47K pot. You can use a 75cm telescopic antenna or simply a length of hook-up wire. Mine worked fine....
Op-amps has been widely used in low frequency oscillator (frequency ...
The high performance of modern set-top DBS TV tuners require broadband voltage control oscillator (VCO) designs at a competitive cost. To realize these goals, design engineers are challenged to create high performance, low-cost VCOs. The traditional design....
Simple high efficiency Colpitts oscillator. In the higher frequency ranges, above 50 MHz, Colpitts oscillators are used because stray circuit capacitance will be in parallel with desired feedback capacitance and not cause undesirable spurious resonances that....
An op-amp based Colpitts oscillator in multisim. When I press run button it shows- "timestep too smaall error". I`ve googled and tried everything but it still shows the error. Not sure where you got that design, but as drawn your C-L-C pi circuit is grounded....
Early schematic of a Colpitts circuit, using a vacuum tube, redrawn from the patent publication. A Colpitts oscillator, invented in 1920 by American engineer Edwin H. Colpitts, is one of a number of designs for electron....
Design a Colpitts Oscillator in a common collector configuration using a single BJT. Provide base current to get the transistor operating properly, and you can do this using a potential divider (between Vcc and gnd): use resistor values as high as possible....
This is a design schematic of a Crystal Colpitts oscillator can be implemented using a transistor and a parallel mode crystal. This is the figure of the circuit. In this circuit, the crystal is use as an inductance. A large value capacitive divider is used....
The oscillator model I talked about in the introduction to oscillators was as simple as it gets - capacitor + inductor. So I wanted to try to make my own oscillator. In a search for how to make an oscillator I got a website with a few different kinds. They....
Edwin Henry Colpitts was a communications pioneer best known for his invention of the Colpitts oscillator. As research branch chief for Western Electric in the early 1900s, he and scientists under his direction achieved significant advances in the....
It is parallel fed because the DC plate current does not flow through the inductor. R3 may be replaced by an RF choke if desired. C3 keeps B+ from appearing across the variable capacitor which is generally a no no. If R1 were not present, C3 might not charge....
Colpitts oscillator circuit diagram and theory. Colpitts oscillator frequency equation. Colpitts oscillator using transistor. Colpitts oscillator using opamp....
I thought I would try to use a standard telephone earpiece`s inductance as the L of a Colpitts oscillator, and in so doing eliminate the need for a separate amplifer/buffer. ..
Hello, I have queastion about type of the osclator I found on wikipedia here: File:NPN Colpitts oscillator collector coil.png - Wikipedia, the free....
Hi there. I`ve building a 430Mhz Transmitter for microwave. And for some strange reason i couldn`t get any output frequency from my circuit. I`ve....
amplifier input and output impedance, load and source resistance are strongly mutually dependent in the CC circuit. That`s a reason, why "impedance matching" doesn`t achieve results representative for the circuit operation. Analyzing the circuit as CB with....
Hello, I`m trying to simulate a 10MHz Colpitts Oscillator using an OPAMP, but i`m not getting the expected outcome, the frequency is not 10MHz and the ....
Colpitts oscillator circuit is shown in Figure 1, Q is the transistor. The Colpitts and Hartley oscillator circuit are similar, except the inductor, capacitor exchange of positions. Oscillator equivalent circuit shown in Figure 2. Capacitors C1, C2, and....
C1 takes the DC decoupled voltage from the Microphone, amplifies this via Q1, C2 decouples it again, then R6 and C3 Low Pass Filter it, but once we get to Q2, Secondly how does this circut actually accomplish frequency modulation: Please use math on me! (I....