Blocking material monitoring circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

Blocking material monitoring circuit is shown. When the optical path is blocked by the material, the phototransistor VT1 off, off transistor VT2, VT3, VT4 shoot coupled flip-fl

Blocking material monitoring circuit
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op consisting of flip turned into VT3, VT4 off state, diode VD2 can not be turned on by the two groups are summarized di pole tube VT5 and potentiometer RP CzJ constant current source to charge the C2 voltage rises to a certain value composite pipes VT6, Vr7 turned on. J1 pull, external control circuit or alarm. If the voltage is not raised to make the C2 level VT6 conductive. Optical path through the old man, then flip into steady shot Xiang Tibetan VT3 deadline, VT4 conduction state, VD2 conduction, the capacitor Cz Chih-end clamped to a low potential, Jl not pull. That can change the whole RP electric road blocking material to allow maximum time (ie, a short circuit is not blocking material alarm). VT8 light auto-negotiation for-profit composed of the alarm circuit. Component selection and commissioning follows. VT1 election 3DU5, VT2 ~ VT4, VT6 into 3DG6, betas between transistors 50-80. VI7 and VT8 selected 3DG12 or 3DK4. Lo values can be between 40-50. Jl and JZ selection JQX-4F type 1ZV relays or other sensitive relays. When debugging, the light shine on VT1 VT3 should deadline, Jl should be released, if not, you can change J9 VT2 large value (such as 100 -fold) transistors. If the light path blocked Jl not pull a long time, it can be Ru, into a little resistance.

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