Circuit example of the LM381

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

National Semiconductor (NS Company) production of audio ICs wide frequency response, low noise, assembled with its audio circuits, very good performance in all NS o The company integrated

Circuit example of the LM381
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circuit shown in Figure 3-12. Enter Pre and sing equalizer to use LM381, dynamic noise reduction using the LM1894, LM10350 LM381 DC volume control using a wide -band, high-gain, low noise amplifier circuit, which is designed for small signal amplification design of special Dual front amplifying circuit. Its low noise, when the signal source resistance Rs = 600fl, frequency IOHz ~ lOkHz, equivalent noise input Valid values 0,5r.eVo LM381 in a variety of measuring devices, small signal amplifiers and various broadband signals source circuit is widely used o in practical applications, an external bias adjustment, enable it to achieve the best noise characteristics become broadband, high gain, low noise, high-quality amplifiers. Shown, LM381 application circuit shown in Figure 3-14 its internal circuitry and pin arrangement shown in Figure 3-13. Internal LM381 consists of two separate pre-amplifier input, 60dB isolation between each other and with internal power source decoupling circuit and has 120dB power supply rejection very high voltage gain ( lOOdB) ratio o LM381, large output voltage swing and a large signal bandwidth (small signal bandwidth 15MH, large signal bandwidth 75kH). 9V ~ 15V it can work under a wide power supply voltage, and short circuit protection and internal compensation has finished Bodhisattva. Electrical characteristics as shown in Table 3-2. That is half of the LM381 IC2 composition phono equalizer amplifier, and the other half that is composed of IC1 line, CD player, a magnetic tape playback input amplifier, can switch SAi by selecting them individually to the input. LM1894 dynamic noise reduction circuit, the output signal from the noise after 4,11 feet (left and right channel) o Output Select switch for selecting noise SAz whether access circuit 05 feet have connected the potentiometer for 1kfl adjust the noise reduction sensitivity O LM1035 dual-channel DC volume control potentiometer, at its output end that loudness volume control potentiometer and switch J.

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