Making an entry Danji

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

Circuit schematic shown in Figure 1-29. The aircraft from the 1/26N2 as voltage amplification by the power amplifier as 6P1, rated power up to 1. 5W. Filament DC powered to eli

Making an entry Danji
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minate hum Shen resistance metal film resistors, electrical coupling capacitors CBB capacitance circuit board design t Temple may use scaffolding approach soldering. Less ground, try to use a little ground. Constitute stereo mode required three tubes. Larger workload must be the output transformer winding Pina, technology is not good sound quality will be greatly reduced. If the conditions can be an old tube radio finished transformer. Another may own wound, with a good silicon steel, high-stitch envelope. Silicon sheet with the tongue vanadium wide 12mm, 18mm thick stack primary use cPO, 1 wire tightly wound 2800 turns, four tiers, each 700 turns chant post cross connection t Note the dot end is connected to the end of synonyms can not be wrong.

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