Multi-channel data acquisition ISO100 isolation circuit of a programmable gain amplifier

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

As shown in FIG grounds ISO100 multichannel data acquisition system consisting of a programmable gain amplifier isolation by optocoupler, programmable amplifier PGA100 and isol

Multi-channel data acquisition ISO100 isolation circuit of a programmable gain amplifier
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ation amplifier ISO100 composition. Optocoupler will select three channels and three-way choice coupled to the programmable gain amplifier, three channels select the optional 23 8 signals. 8-channel data acquisition system input signal after amplification by the PGA100 choose to output isolation amplifiers, after ISO100 isolation amplifier output. As a result of a variety of isolation, the circuit shown in FIG excellent anti-jamming performance for noisy applications (such as industrial field signal acquisition).

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