PA ultra-CPI

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

Component selection and installation requirements and general as full complementary symmetry amplifier. T should be noted that the two second diodes should be used in high-freq

PA ultra-CPI
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uency diode, or high-frequency transistor with a knot instead. VT1, VT2 and amplifier tube VT11, the installation must be thermally coupled VT12 to stabilize the quiescent current. It is seen by the circuit configuration, when the open-loop amplifier tube VT11, VT12 quiescent current of the constant current source, respectively, by the VT1, VT2 composition decision given. When debugging, Rl, R3 potentiometer in place, the test should be larger j than the actual measured value of the resistance value of the constant current of 2mA when repeatedly adjusting section two potentiometers, so the final stage current lOOmA, output midpoint electric voltage is zero volt outlet after adjusting exchange fixed resistors, can be put into normal use q the circuit output power greater than 50w, voltage gain of 2

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