Photoelectric counting circuit diagram

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

Circuit shown in Figure, when the phototransistor VT1 receives infrared light-emitting diode to the infrared light emitted, VT1 conduction, the inverting input of the comparato

Photoelectric counting circuit diagram
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r IC2-B 6 feet low end, 7 feet high output, applied to the comparator IC2-a inverting input terminal, so that a pin output low, the optocoupler LEDs light 4N35 within the corresponding photodiode is turned on, the transistor VT2 are conduction, VT2 collector output low. When an object passes between the infrared light-emitting diodes VD1 and receiver tube VT1, infrared rays are blocked, VT1 off, 1 foot high output of IC2-A, 4N35 off, VT2 off, VT2 collector output high, so when there is when an object by VT1, VT2 collector output on it counted pulse signal which is sent to a decimal counter, then sent decoding display circuit, showing corresponding data.

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