Superior performance combination of home theater AV circuit
The AV combination as shown in lo-2, the first stage Philips TDA1029 four-input switching signal for the switch; the second stage uses NE5532 as preamplifier, B of the NEC, the company pPC18 92
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four -way surround processing circuit for the main signal and surround, center signal output, and for high and low tones, volume, left and right balance, surround effect control and three types of analog sound effect selection; the third level using MS381 as the front pair of speakers to achieve the best of the three-dimensional sound field effect processing; conjugate end and the TDA1514A TDA15 21 (or LM1875) for power output out. TDA1029 is a Quad for stereo audio in the field of high fidelity audio signal switching ICs. Operating voltage: 6 ~ 23V, typical type of value 12V, total harmonic distortion of only 0.00 5%, excellent signal to noise ratio (stare t = 120dB), the conversion rate 5-15V / Ftso typical applications of the circuit shown in Figure 10-3 shown. ruPC1892 was introduced in 1995 high performance four-channel surround processing circuit, which uses phase-shift ring matrix surround sound processing system, dual-channel signal and a mono signal separating two main channel signal and all the way to the surround channel signal, a center channel signal path (actually found when creating two vice-channel p PC1892 in the signal all the way to the center signal) o the circuit is provided with a concert hall, cinema and hospital stereo and analog stereo straight sound field effect mode. Circuit with internal surround sound effect control, the main amplifier balance, bass and volume control, equipment control part of the system are used in the DC level of control "ridicule, so that the circuit noise is reduced to very low limits. Anal P ( '1892 with internal discharge amplifier, low-pass filter, a phase shifting control mode, effect processing fruit, absorption compensation, pitch, volume, balance .pcPC1892 is an LSI circuit, the application circuit in FIG. 10-4 shows the typical operating voltage of + 12V, + 5V tone control section with technical mode. PC1892 is controlled by the anal , feet high and low programmed process control for each potentiometer functions as follows:. RP1 is back surround channel sound volume control, RPZ for the front left and right ear balance control, RP3 for the left and right channel volume control, RP4 for the front center channel volume control, RP5, RP6 are front left and right channel low, treble tone control . Toggle si, S2's role: sl high, sz low as concert hall mode; sl low, S2 is high cinema mode; sl, SZ are high level analog stereo mode; Sl . S2 are low for the stereo pass-through port state
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