TDA1514A application circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

For its typical application circuit o R2, R3 is a feedback circuit to adjust their ratio, adjustable circuit loop gain o To increase the dynamic range of the circuit, the C5 and R5, R bootstrap circuit. TDA1514A boot noise suppression is achieved by

TDA1514A application circuit
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capacitor Q. In the instantaneous power, the voltage across the capacitor C can not be mutated, so the power of a V 3 without loss to the feet, forcing silent-circuit switch circuit is activated to power the noise is suppressed. With the charging capacitor C4, when it was raised to the voltage across a V value, 3-pin voltage falls to zero, forcing and 3 feet in contact Silent switch is automatically released and the amplifier power amplifier function properly realized. R is the resistance of the protected zones and set up, and under normal circumstances, 2 feet microamps quiescent current.

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