1.25 ~ 37V LM317 adjustable power supply configuration

Posted on Nov 10, 2015

1.25 ~ 37V as shown for the adjustable power supply circuitry. It is adjustable three-terminal regulator typical application circuit, characterized by good performance, stable,

1.25 ~ 37V LM317 adjustable power supply configuration
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small size, making installation easy, the maximum output current of l.5A, the output voltage between 1.25 ~ 37V continuously adjustable. It is best suited to experiment with power.FIG C3 for filtering out the ripple on the RP, improve the stability of power supply output voltage. For some reason when the output terminal and the input of LM317 short, C2 will discharge through internal damage LM317 chip, VD6 provides for the discharge circuit C2. C4 is used to prevent the output of self-excitation. VD5 as protection diodes to prevent the accumulation of short-circuit on the input of the capacitive load charge to the LM317 discharge. In order to ensure reliable operation LM317. Rl resistance and generally 120 (or 240 ). Expression of the output voltage Vo: Vo 1.25 (1 + R2/Rp) V.

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