Low voltage DC power charger circuit

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

This circuit can be used for large current after use nickel-cadmium batteries, rechargeable batteries, but also as a general low-voltage DC power supply. This circuit by the charging section and the dc output parts. K2 is the fast charge, slow charge selector

Low voltage DC power charger circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

switch, R2, R3 current limiting resistor, can change the size of the charging current. Typically, fast charge control in about 4h, slow charge about 14h. NA, ZD composition of the test circuit. Before charging, be fitted with rechargeable batteries. Press AN time, ZD matte or shimmer is normal, when the charging time to meet the requirements, according to AN, the ZD emitting be maintained 10s described above full power, so as for appliances.

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