Simple charge circuit porcelain

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

After some small loss of field magnets can be re-magnetized porcelain filled with homemade simple. Find a scrap of exchanges and contacts, and other models such as CJ10-60 ~ 15

Simple charge circuit porcelain
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0A (220V or 380V can), remove the word armature, only Yamagata core. In the coil circuit fuse and a diode string, they formed a charge porcelain. When magnetizing, with A, B both ends to touch 220V (nominal coil voltage of 220V) or 380V (rated coil voltage of 180V at) AC power supply (pay attention to safety), there are sparks when touched, just touch 1, 2 times. After ten seconds the red, and then touch 1,2 times, magnetization ends. Then allowed to stand for several hours and then remove (this effect).

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