Solar charger for lead-acid batteries

Posted on Feb 7, 2013

This circuit is intended for charging lead-acid batteries with a solar panel. The customary diode that prevents the battery from discharging through the solar panel has been replaced by a FET-comparator combination. The charger will stop charging once a pre-set voltage (temperature compensated) has been reached, and recommence charging when the voltage has dropped off sufficiently. The load is disconnected when the baterry voltage drops below 11V and reconnected when it gets back to 12.5V.

Solar charger for lead-acid batteries
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The circuit has the following features: * Charges until Vbat = 13,8V (adjustable), then float charges; * Shuts down load when Vbat < 11V (adjustable), resets at 12,5V; * Temperature compensation; * Will work with cheap and readily

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