VHF/UHF Wideband Portable Dipole

Posted on May 16, 2012

I wanted a robust, portable, compact antenna usable for horizontal and vertical polarisation to take along with my FT-817 when I go on vacation, camping etc. I also wanted the dipole to cover the VHF and UHF bands and if possible with some gain! As everybody knows a dipole has about 3dB gain over a quartre wave antenna, is why my preference went to a simple dipole. To make it portable I used two identical telescopic antennas of 80 cm slid out and only 14 cm when pushed in.

VHF/UHF Wideband Portable Dipole
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

What you need to make this handy portable wide band dipole is: * Two chrome-plated telescopic antenna`s (14cm/80cm) * A robust PVC box of 75x50x22 mm and 1,5mm thick * a silver plated stereo mini switch

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