200W Valve RF Transmitter circuit

Posted on May 3, 2017

This transmitter consists of three stages. The step of the oscillator with the 6L6 lamp, the amplifier isolator with the lamp 807 and the final stage of the transmitter with the 811 lamp. The coil L1 is requested by the market as a coil of the 6SA7. The various RFCs are sold on the market and used to isolate the feed device from the generated radio frequencies.

200W Valve RF Transmitter circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

After the transmitter has to be made with the smallest possible wiring, the transmitter must be tuned. The tuning is done with the variable capacitors and with a milliamometer connected to the 807 rise. The milliamerometers on the rise of each lamp should be Tuning to indicate the minimum indication while the milliamerometers of any lamp have the maximum indication. 

The transmitter configuration is made from the final stage and in particular from its rise by means of a modulation transformer that is part of the final step of an acoustic amplifier. The power of the modulator for correct configuration must be 30W.

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