AM/cw 20-meter band transmitter

Posted on Nov 27, 2012

In this project, you will make a simple low-power broadcast-type circuit, using a crystal oscillator integrated circuit and an a collector modulated AM oscillator. You can connect the circuit to the an electrec microphone (pointed out in gray on the diagram) or amplified dynamic microphone (no amplified microphone has a to low output voltage to work. Approx. 100mv is needed). You could also add a LF preamp stage of one transistor to allow connecting a dynamic microphone directly.

AM/cw 20-meter band transmitter
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

You`ll see that you can receive the signal through the air with almost any AM radio receiver. Although the circuits used in radio stations for AM receiving are far more complicated, this nevertheless gives a basic idea of the concept behind a princip

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