Treasury temperature measurement alarm circuit diagram F007 5G1555 F033

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

As shown in FIG measuring temperature alarm circuit to the Treasury. The device consists of inverting amplifier IC1, comparison amplifier IC2, low-frequency multivibrator IC3,

Treasury temperature measurement alarm circuit diagram F007 5G1555 F033
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IC4 multivibrator controllable oscillation frequency, bridge measuring network, a speaker Y, the power supply circuit. Wherein the bridge is measured by a temperature sensor network BY (germanium tube 3AX31) a PN junction, resistors R1 ~ R4 and potentiometer W1 and other components. IC1 (F033) with some RC components inverting amplifier, IC2 (F007) reference voltage comparator amplifier configuration connected to the inverting terminal of IC2. IC3 and RC components around 1Hz low frequency oscillator, which in turn controls the corresponding oscillation frequency of the multivibrator IC4.Circuit adjustable potentiometer W1 so that the bridge at 0 in equilibrium, so that the corresponding output of IC1 is about 0V, then microampere meter CB zeroing. W2 potentiometer for adjusting the gain of the amplifier, so microampere meter scale reaches approximately 0.1V/. W3 potentiometer used to adjust the balance of the amplifier, so microampere meter CB indication zero. W4 potentiometer for adjusting the amplifier IC2 reference comparison voltage, depending on the season and room temperature requirements to determine how high the temperature was powered alarm circuits, so that an alarm sound. Additional power contacts J1-1 alarm circuit is controlled by the relay IC2 output. When the high voltage of IC2 inverting terminal foot than inverting terminal feet when, IC2 output is a positive voltage, the D2 is turned on, the relay coil due to current flow and the J1-1 contact sticking.

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