Alternate Tone Alarm Circuit

Posted on Jul 22, 2012

A two-tone generator that is alternately switched ON provides a high/low output as might be heard from a traffic vehicle like a police car or ambulance. IC1, CD4011, quad 2-input NAND gate is a two-tone oscillator in which each side, pins 1 through 7 and 8 through 13 set the tone frequencies. Changing the values of C9 and C] determines the high/low tones. The outout frequencies are coupled to IC2, CD4011, of which one side (pins 1 through 6) acts as a buffer. The buffer is necessary to prevent loading on the outputs that would occur if one tried to go directly to the LM386 amplifier. The other side of IC2, pins 8 through 13, is a slow pulse oscillator of approximately 8 Hz per second.

Alternate Tone Alarm Circuit
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The output at pin 10 is connected to IC4 as a clock. IC4, CD4027, is a dual J-K master-slave flip-flop that is wired to perform as a toggle switch in which Ql and 15, and Ql (NOT) pin 14, go high and low alternately (flip-flop). The clock input from IC2 pin 10 is connected to pin 13 of IC4, and the outputs at pins 15 and 14 changes the flip/flop state with each positive pulse transition. The CD4027 functions in toggle mode when the set and reset inputs, pins 9 and 12, are held low or grounded. Also, J-K inputs, pins 10 and 11, must be held high or to the positive. The outputs Ql and Ql (NOT), pins 15 and 14 are connected to pins 13 and 1 respectively of IC1 that enables or disables. Thus, each tone oscillator is turned on and off alternately. ICS is a straightforward low-voltage audio amplifier.

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