
Posted on Jun 4, 2012

A 3-x -3-inch piece of circuit board, or similar size metal object which functions as the pick-up sensor, is connected to the gate of Ql. A 100-MD resistor, R2, isolates Ql`s gate from Rl, allowing the input iropedance to remain very high. If a 100MO resistor cannot be located, just tie five 22-MO resistors in series and use that combination for R2. In fact, R2 can be made even higher in value for added sensitivity.

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Potentiometer Rl is adjusted to where the piezo buzzer just begins to sound off and then carefully backs off to where the sound ceases. Experimenting with the setting of Rl will help in obtaining the best sensitivity adjustment for the circuit. Resistor Rl can be set to where the pick-up must be contacted to set off the alarm sounder. A relay or other current-hungry component can take the place of the piezo sounder to control most any external circuit.

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Ian   Nov 24, 2017

Doesn't work. Don't waste your time.

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