Voice lamp FC52 schematic

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

As shown for the voice-activated lamp circuit. The circuit consists of an operational amplifier FC52, flip-flop, the relay J, a piezoelectric crystal speaker y and other compon

Voice lamp FC52 schematic
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ents. Wherein the flip-flop by the two NAND gates TMY23A composition, the speaker can sound signal into an electrical signal Y work. FC52 press into a high sugar gain amplifier capable of amplifying an audio signal.When the clapping sound, Y sound signals into electrical signals, and added to the inverting input FC52 to be amplified. The amplified output pulses and added to the flip-flop, flip to make it happen, and each time the trigger pulse to trigger flip again. Let the original state 0 state (0V), clap your hands after flipping 1 state (3.5V); take another look at the hand, then flipped back to 0 state. When the trigger output is high, the corresponding transistor 3DG12 conduction, the relay pull, turn the power lamp, lamp light; on the contrary, when the flip-flop output is low, the lamp is off.Circuit relay J 9V available small relay JRX13 or DZ100 series. Zero potentiometer W1 FC52 used to adjust the output of the DC potential, thereby adjusting the output pulse amplitude, ie adjust the sensitivity. Sensitivity of the circuit should not be too high, otherwise the slightest sound, lights will be on or off.The voice-activated lamp circuit has high sensitivity voice, when entered the room, just clap your hands, interior lights will automatically light up; your hands to make another, and lights automatically turn off.

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