Fundamentals of Transistor Oscillators

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

This chapter deals with the operation and circuitry of transistor oscillators. In general, these fall into two categories: the feedback (or vacuum tube equivalent) types, and the negative-resistance (or current multiplying) type. Transistor oscillators are capable of sine-wave generation by every mode of operation now feasible in vacuum-tube circu

Fundamentals of Transistor Oscillators
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its, plus some additional novel modes. This chapter covers the capabilities of the transistor as an oscillator in basic rather than specific designs. A number of numerical examples and specific values are included to illustrate the fundamental concepts involved. An analysis of relaxation, frequency multiplication, frequency division, and triggering in the transistor is also included. In the earlier chapters, it was shown that transistor properties, in every important respect, are equivalent to those of the vacuum tube. It is reasonable then to assume that any vacuum-tube oscillator configuration has an equivalent transistor circuit. For example, consider the vacuum-tube oscillator, illustrated in Fig. 6-1 (A), which represents one form of Hartley oscillator. Positive feedback is accomplished by arranging the resonant tank E to be common to both the input grid and output plate circuits. The equivalent transistor circuit using a grounded emitter connection is illustrated in Fig. 6-1 (B). Again, positive feedback is provided by placing the resonant tank so that it is common to both the input base and output collector circuits. If ground is removed from the emitter lead, and placed at the bottom of the tank circuit, the electrical operation of the oscillator is unchanged. Notice that when this circuit is rearranged as illustrated in Fig. 6-1 (C), it is now in the grounded-base connection. While the grid bias of the vacuum-tube...

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