Magic Light Capacitance Sensor using an Arduino

Posted on Feb 6, 2014

This was my very first arduino project. Its great for beginners. Fade the color or the lights my moving your hands near it. It fades from a pretty purple blue to a firey red-orange. Its was SUPER easy to build, not to hard to write the code, and its really impresses people! I gave it to my mother for christmas, and it was a big hit. Watch the vide

Magic Light Capacitance Sensor using an Arduino
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

o to see it in action! I apologizefor the poor quality, I will try to take more pictures. Once it is set up, run the code and open the serial monitor. Move the set up away from your computer to help diminishinterference Note what numbers are being out put when nothing is near the foil sensor, also note what it is when your open palm isextremelyclose to the sensor. You will have to adjust these numbers often to calibrate  the light. Many factor interfere with the readings to it needs to be set up whenever it is moved.

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