midi to dmx arduino control shield

Posted on Feb 5, 2014

I hacked together a quick and dirty Arduino MIDI-to-DMX control for our robot band Science Fiction Children. It`s really simple! And here`s how I did it. I have two really cheap LED Par56 from Stairville (DMX controlled), a simple DMX-Dimmer pack and use Ableton Live for our sound setup. So all I want is to control the differentcolors and dimmer

midi to dmx arduino control shield
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

channels (DMX channels) with each one Midi-Note. The pitch (note) shall represent the channel, the midi velocity shall represent the actual DMX-value (brightness). Some words about the DMX protocol: This is a really simple serial protocol, the connectors are 3-pole XLR and yep you can use normal audio XLR-cables. The devices (my LED-Par for example) are connected in a chain. Each device can have one or more channels, there are up to 255 channels per chain possible. Let`s have a look at a standard LED PAR56 channel setup: So all we have to do is to send something from 0 to 63  to channel 1  to set the device to RGB Mode and then the brightness value (0. 255) to channel 1. 3 for the brightness of the different colors. Really easy. When you set another start address for the DMX Device, the 5 channels are shifted, e. g. to 7, 8, 9, 10, 11. You have two sections: opto copler 4N28 for handling the MIDI-In. You can probably use other types like the 4N38 as well. Secondly the DMX output section that consists of a serial converter 75176, here you could also use the standard chip MAX481 (see this tutorial ) // welcome to MIDI to DMX by moritz Simon geist. // Ressources, setup and hardware: // DmxSimple is available from: // Help and support: */ #include byte incomingByte; byte note; byte velocity; int statusLed = 13; // select the pin for the LED int action=2; //0 =note off ; 1=note on ; 2= nada void setup() {...

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