Ethernet Controller with PIC18F452

Posted on Jul 7, 2012

This circuit is an ETHERNET controller I use the PIC18F452 and the mikroC C Compiler. I use also the JAVA SCRIPT information you can get from I Control 8 outputs throw the WEB and transfer time information also. I use 3 timer and 3 buffers each one has it?s own time Start ? Stop and the outputs will take the buffer BIN value. BUFFER 1 -> TIMER 1 . BUFFER 2 -> TIMER 2. BUFFER 3 -> TIMER 3. I do all the adjustment throw the WEB. I also test it to transfer temperature information using DS1820 temp. Sensor. I Set time-date throw the WEB.

Ethernet Controller with PIC18F452
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Features: 1. Display time (DS1307), with backup battery. 2. Control 8 outputs 3. 3 timers to control the outputs each timer has separate time for start and stop 4. All the adjustment throw the WEB

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