Second-Order Polynomial Generator Circuit

Posted on Jun 8, 2012

By using a circuit built with a single analog multiplier and five precision resistors, an output voltage (Ko) can be made to create a second- order polynomial. The circuit implements the quadratic shown. The input terminals of IC1 are connected to create a positive square term and present the Vr signal to the output with a 1-10-V scale factor. Incorporating the voltage-divider network (resistors R3 and R4) in the input signal path provides additional attenuation adjustment for the coefficient (c) of the square term in the quadratic.

Second-Order Polynomial Generator Circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Then, the passive adder (resistors Rl, R2, and Ro) is wired to ICl`s internal summing circuit to generate the polynomial`s other two terms; the offset term (a) and the linear coefficient (b).

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