Electronic circuit diagram of frostbite treatment device

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

Electronic frostbite treatment instrument ASIC SL9711 constitute an oscillation circuit, a power amplifier and controller, and generates 100Hz 3Hz sine wave, after the step-up

Electronic circuit diagram of frostbite treatment device
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transformer potentiometer adjustment EA loop current. Since the output of the diode added, and thus the current flowing through the body of pulsating current waveform. In the human body, motor nerve stimulation causes muscle tremor sense. After several seconds, Ma trembling feeling disappeared, sensory and motor nerves begin to be suppressed, and the pain threshold rose rendering analgesic effect due to inhibition of AC ripple current and the current through the nerve protein denaturation decomposition occurs trace, open into vasoactive peptide substance, which after a pulsating current is stopped, there improve local blood circulation and post analgesic effect.

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