F733 integrated amplifiers common emitter - common base wideband amplifier circuit

Posted on Dec 11, 2010

F733 Integrated wideband amplifiers common-emitter group total wideband amplifier internal feedback circuit is small, zoom capability, good circuit stability, is a common ampli

F733 integrated amplifiers common emitter - common base wideband amplifier circuit
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fier. F733 Integrated wideband amplifiers common-emitter group total wideband amplifier circuit as shown in FIG. Integrated wideband cascode total base integrated circuit, changing the first differential amplifier negative feedback resistor, you can adjust the voltage gain of the circuit. The terminals a short and gain up to 120dB, and the terminals ? shorted, gain up to 40dB; the respective terminals are not shorted, the gain is ZOdB. Upper frequency three cases were 40MHz, 90MHz, 120MHz.

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