The same capacitance parameters 12dB-oct low-pass filter

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

In this circuit, A = 1, port = o.5, passive vent filter without distinction. When only care when dry l; Q = 1 / (3 - A), 12dB / oct filter of Butterworth King F0.707,4 mouth may be assumed

The same capacitance parameters 12dB-oct low-pass filter
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as follows: a = 3 ^ ci / o) = 1.s8s, according to R4 = Rs (A-1), when R3 = iok0, the roar desirable 5.8sko, with s.iko and series from 7500. In this way may have a 4-1. 585 passband gain, and then connected to the front stage or satin circuit attenuates the feedback capacitor 111. 585. 0 mM role is to inhibit the OP amplifier input capacitance due to cl produced spikes. Although the cut-off frequency fL is set a certain degree of freedom, but when fL = Loo kHz, if the set. = iok Q, then Co F160pF, OP amplifier input capacitance 0- or parasitic capacitance will have an impact, so G. From must reduce 5 ~ lOpF calculated values. In addition, OP amplifier gain can be replaced by a single wide band products.

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