Ultrasonic pest repeller

Posted on May 24, 2012

The device emits ultrasonic sound waves that sweep between 65,000 and 25,000 hertz. Designed around a 556 dual timer, one half operated as an astable multivibrator with an adjustable frequency of 1 to 3 Hz. The second half is also operated as an astable multivibrator but with a fixed free running frequency around 45,000 Hz

Ultrasonic pest repeller
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

The 25-65 kHz sweep is accomplished by coupling the voltage across C2 (the timing capacitor for the first half of the 556) via Ql to the control voltage terminal (pin 11) of the second half of the 556. The device that radiates the ultrasonic sound is a piezo tweeter.

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