Electric Guitar Matching Amplifier

Posted on Dec 7, 2012

An electric guitar often has to be connected to a mixing panel, a tape deck or a portable studio. As far

Electric Guitar Matching Amplifier
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as cabling is concerned, that is no problem, but matching the high impedance of the guitar element to the low impedance of the line input of the mixing panel or tape deck is a problem. Even the so-called high impedance inputs of those units are not suitable for the guitar output. When the guitar is connected to such an input, hardly any signal is left for the panel or deck to process. It would be possible to connect the guitar to the (high impedance) microphone input, but it is normally far too sensitive for that purpose; guitar clipping occurs all too readily. The matching amplifier presented here solves those problems: it has a high-impedance (1 ) input that can withstand voltages of over 200 V. The output impedance is reasonably low. Amplification is 2 (6 dB), Dual tone control, presence control, and volume control are provided. The circuit can handle input levels of up to 3 V. Above that level distortion increases, but that is, of course, a good thing with guitar music. Real clipping of the input signal does not occur until much higher levels than are obtainable from a guitar are applied. Power is supplied by a 9-V (PP3) battery from which the circuit draws a current that does not exceed 3 mA.

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