Hi-Fi power amplifier with MJ3001 and MJ2501

Posted on Dec 4, 2012

This is a very simple, low cost, Hi-Fi quality power amplifier. You can build it 5 ways, like it?s shown in the table (from 20 W to 80 W RMS). The first thing that you must do, is to measure the end transistors (T3 and T4) amplifying coefficient, the hfe or ?. If their disagreement is bigger than 30 %, the amplifier would not give a clear sound. I used MJ3001 and MJ2501 transistors, and this disagreement was around 5%.

Hi-Fi power amplifier with MJ3001 and MJ2501
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Hi-Fi power amplifier with MJ3001 and MJ2501 - image 1
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- Before the first ?turning on? you must short circuit the inputs of the amp, and put a mA-meter on the output, than turn the amplifier on, and tune the R13 pot, to decrease the DC current on the output, to some uA-s, or in a lucky situation to zero. I was able to decrease it to 10 uA.

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