Audio Mixer with preamplifier

Posted on Feb 5, 2013

The mixer is the common `virtual earth` mixing amplifier, and there is nothing special about it. Note that it is inverting, which complements the tone controls (also inverting) so the absolute signal polarity is maintained. As shown, the mixer also has a gain of a little over two times, and again this can easily be changed. Making R115/215 10k sets the gain at -1 (i.e. unity, but inverted). Note that R117/217 are not mounted on the board, but mount directly on the output level control.

Audio Mixer with preamplifier
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Audio Mixer with preamplifier - image 1
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The circuit is very simple, and the PCB is nice and small (approx 50 x 75 mm). The idea is that one PCB would be wired with all components (Figure 1 and Figure 2), while the others only use the section shown in Figure 1. You can select the inputs you need, and add the appropriate input circuits, such as phono preamps, mic preamps, etc. Indeed, the range of uses is determined more by imagination than any "limitations" in the circuitry itself. The first stage (U1) is a buffer, but provides a gain of 2 (6dB) as shown. The gain is easily changed by changing the value of R104 (and R204 in the "B" Channel) - a higher value gives less gain, and vice versa. I don't recommend that the gain be increased beyond about 4 times (12dB), or DC offset will become a problem. A value of 2k7 (2.7k) for R104/204 will give a stage gain of 3.7 (11.4dB) which should be more than enough. A microphone preamp is a must if very low level signals are intended. If the ESP board is used, construction is very easy. It is small, but laid out very logically so it is easy to construct. No pots are mounted on the PCB - not because I like running wires (and I don't expect you do either) but because this gives you far greater flexibility for your version of the project. If I designed the board with the pots, then you would have to use the same type as I designed for, and the same spacings and layout. This is very restricting - especially if you can't get (or...

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