CS37-2 machine tube feeding circuit diagram

Posted on Mar 28, 2007

As shown in the circuit diagram of the feeding tube Swallow CS37-2 type color TV. Filament voltage by the line flyback transformer, winding current limiting resistor R523 is su

CS37-2 machine tube feeding circuit diagram
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pplied. Accelerating voltage by D502 to retrace negative peak pulse rectifier, the C524 after filtering by the R118, R119, R120, R130 partial pressure after supplying section R119 can adjust the size of the high voltage. Focus voltage and anode voltage boost primary winding of the multi-stage supply, which one-third of the tap, after the resistor divider supplying focus electrode. Focus trim resistors are sealed inside the transformer, only to reveal a rotary handle outside. Focus voltage generated by a high-voltage lead lead directly to the CRT tube socket focusing electrode terminals and closed better. Anode voltage supplied by the high voltage winding of all, hang in the suction tube cone sleeve high pressure by the high-voltage lead at the mouth with a round hat hook. CRT beam current is greatly with picture content changes, and called for high-voltage power adjustment feature is better, otherwise it will cause the grating amplitude variation, focus and convergence deteriorates. For this reason, some TV plus high voltage stabilization circuit.

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