Bipolar stepper motor driver module circuit

Posted on Nov 10, 2015

Circuit works: Figure shows a dedicated stepping motor controller L297 key pin, 17 feet (cw / ccw) is used to control the stepper motor rotation direction

Bipolar stepper motor driver module circuit
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

18 feet (CLOCK) used to control the speed of the stepping motor speed ; 19 feet (HALF / FULL) for stepper motor full-step, half-step selection; 20 feet (rESET) is low, to the initial state when power is restored, ABCD = 0101; 10 feet (ENABLE) for the chip reset terminal when the terminal is low, ABCD = 0000, that is, each phase stepping motor is not energized in the workplace in order to manually adjust some tuning work location; 15 feet (VREF) as a reference voltage terminal of the voltage determines the step electric motive coil current is, Vvef = is Rs1 (Rs2), general Rs1 - Rs2 - 0.5 Omega; 16 feet (Osc) external RC value depends on the frequency of the chopping frequency of the chopper circuit is f = I / ( 0. 7R C), R must be greater than 10 k , 20 kHz shown in the figure is typical chopping frequency. Use this line to drive the following rated voltage 36 V, 2 A similar within all four lines, six lines of permanent magnet or hybrid stepping motor.

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