PC Relay Controller

Posted on May 5, 2012

This project shows you how to build a relay controller using the Basic Stamp I interfaced to the PC serial port. The Visual Basic 5 software developed for the interface lets you interact with the Basic Stamp to turn ON/OFF up to (2) relays attached to the Basic Stamp I/O pins. As shown below in the screen capture of PC-Relay, it`s easy to select the desired com port using the drop-down menu.

PC Relay Controller
Click here to download the full size of the above Circuit.

Once you have installed the PC-Relay software you`re ready to build the circuit shown above. This is a handy & quick circuit that will let you test everything before you build the bigger (relay) circuit. If everything works, i.e.. you can contr

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kunal   Apr 9, 2008

very well explained.proved quite helpful for my project

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